MedStar Health’s Safe Babies Safe Moms Program Featured in NEJM Catalyst

Posted in What's New
A new study, D.C. Safe Babies Safe Moms: A Novel, Multigenerational Model to Reduce Maternal and Infant Health Disparities, has been published in The New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst, highlighting the success of MedStar Health’s Safe Babies Safe Moms (SBSM) program in improving pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum outcomes.
The study acknowledges the contributions of researchers from our Healthcare Financing Initiative team:
“Additionally, researchers Carol B. Davis, PhD, assistant research professor and associate director of the Health Care Financing Initiative research center at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, and Thomas DeLeire, PhD, distinguished professor and interim dean of the McCourt School, worked with the SBSM team to identify opportunities for novel payment models, strategies for additional cost-savings, and healthcare policies.”
Read the full MedStar Health press release and the NEJM Catalyst article for more details.