Analysis of Multiple Gestation Pregnancies within a Cohort of Mom-Baby Dyads
Many scholars have researched healthcare costs and maternal outcomes associated with singleton and multiple births. The results demonstrate significant variations in prematurity rates, morbidity, mortality, and length of hospital stay
Category: SBSM
Societal Cost and Benefit from Safe Babies Safe Moms: Towards Measuring Social Return on Investment
This study combines findings from several prior research reports prepared during the SBSM research program. We have extended our empirical work on cost-effectiveness into a nascent analysis of the potential societal return on investment in SBSM, by comparing the incremental program costs and savings immediately after delivery alongside the potential benefits from payer or societal view.
Categories: SBSM, What's New
HCFI Team Returns to the MedStar Health and Georgetown University Research & Education Symposium 2024
Aditi, Dr. Davis, Rehman, and Yetong represented our SBSM Health Economics research at the 2024 conference. On Monday, April 29, 2024, the Safe Babies & Safe Moms (SBSM) team showcased early re
Continuity between Prenatal and Labor and Delivery Care Serving a High-Risk Urban Population
This brief study measures continuity between prenatal and delivery care in Safe Babies Safe Moms’ (SBSM) population and explores the association of that continuity to patient demographics and health history, birth outcomes, and delivery costs in SBSM’s inaugural year.
Categories: SBSM, What's New
HCFI joins MedStar’s Safe Babies Safe Moms Team to Showcase Our Health Economics Research
In May 2023, our team, lead by Dr. Davis and Dr. DeLeire, presented a poster with early research observations at the the MedStar Health-Georgetown University Research and Education Symposium.